Balance: It’s much harder than you might think

This post could go a few ways:
1) It could be about yoga, and how yoga is a great balancer, especially for runners.
2) It could be about cross-training and building a balanced body to avoid injuries.
3) It could be about the constant struggle for balance in one’s life.

If you guessed #3, you are correct. I feel like at least monthly I hit a point where I start to question whether I can continue to blog and stay active on Twitter, etc. It has nothing to do with how much I love interacting with everyone, not does it mean I don’t want to blog and leverage social media to share my story/recipes/etc.

What it means is: sometimes I feel like I just can’t keep up. Is it fear of missing out? Some of it. But it’s more than that.

It’s that I have an increasingly demanding job that requires me to travel just enough to be disruptive. There are days where I really just need to go to sleep at 7pm, but I feel like I have to check in on Twitter or read a few blogs, and my sleep suffers. There are days/weeks where I just don’t have anything good to write about, so I don’t.

I’m in a constant state of trying to determine what I’m going to do with my blog. Do I work to build it into a bigger brand? Do I start to use it as a means for income? Do I want to represent different brands as an ambassador, and if yes, am I ready to commit to the amount of time it will take to do that?

Part of the reason I haven’t done any of these things yet is that I’m just not sure. I know I could not, at this point in my life, make it my life. I could not afford to give up my day job. And in reality, I’m not sure I would want to give it up.

Is there somewhere in between? Probably, but I haven’t figured out what it would look like or how it would work. So until then, I’ll continue to feel a little like I’m doing one legged deadlifts on a bosu.

This means, there will be days and weeks where I disappear. Maybe I need to do a better job of having pre-written posts that I can use at any time. Or, a catalog of guest posts… Both of those options are quite good.

So, in an effort to be more balanced, while also still providing content on a fairly regular basis, I’m looking for some guest bloggers. If you’re interested, leave a comment or email me RunStretchGo at gmail dot com.

Do you ever question parts of your life?
If you have a blog, how do to you stay balanced with the rest of your life?
Are you interested in doing a guest post?

13 thoughts on “Balance: It’s much harder than you might think

  1. Happy to guest post, if you need it — would love to! And I know exactly what you mean about trying to find balance…it seems like I constantly have this endless list scrolling through my mind of what needs to be done, what I should being doing, etc., and as much as I love blogging and keeping up with the blogosphere, it’s easy for that to take a backseat to the rest of my To-Do list. Keeping up with social media can be stressful!

  2. I think we all struggle with these same things. Blogging is an incredibly time consuming hobby and undortunately we don’t all have the luxury of doing it for a living so we squeeze it in around work, family, friends, exercise, life. I’d love to help out as a guest blogger if you’ll have me!

  3. It’s hard. I struggle with this a lot too, especially over the holidays.. there were dust bunnies hanging out all over my blog.

    For me, blogging is a fun thing. My priorities are my family, work, and training — so at the end of the day if I have the time and energy, I’ll write on the blog. If not, I don’t, and I try not to feel bad about it. I know my blog isn’t going to grow into some big, huge deal that way, but I’m okay with that. I write for me, so I can remember things mostly, it’s just an added perk that others like to read along.

    I do most of my blog reading at night in bed, on my phone on bloglovin’. I save the posts I want to come back to comment on in the morning (like this one!) and typically do that after I drop the kids off at school, while I’m drinking coffee and getting ready for the day. I don’t do much on twitter and facebook, I just don’t have time 😦

    1. I like your approach, and I need to find dedicated time to focus on the read vs comment, and know that sometimes it’s going to have to take a back seat. Weekends I feel like I go the opposite way and try to overcompensate and then end up letting my life go awry.

      I didn’t do a word for the year, but I think mine is balance πŸ™‚

  4. kristenk

    It is so hard to keep up with all the awesome bloggers out there! If I really want to, I could spend hours doing it between my blogroll and the SPA link love post! I totally get what you’re saying. If you ever need a guest poster let me know!

    1. So happy to know I’m definitely not the only own, and yay, I’d love to have you guest post!

      Shoot me an email and we can figure out what you’d like to post on πŸ™‚

  5. I definitely feel you! My blog is so up and down. I have trouble coming up with posts sometimes, and those that I do, I procrastinate a lot….like I just posted my jingle jungle 5k recap from November! It’s hard to balance it, I definitely relate to much of what you are saying here! You are not alone!

  6. Wow, I’ve been having the same mental conversation with myself lately. I haven’t posted on my blog in weeks and now that the renewal on my domain name is coming up, I’m not sure whether I want to continue it. Sometimes, I’m gung-ho and want to be a “serious” blogger. Other times, I feel overwhelmed by the need/want to posted regularly and yet other times, I feel no desire to write at all.

    Hopefully, we both get our answers soon!

  7. I totally hear you. It can be all consuming and finding balance is tough, especially when your real life job that pays the bills takes precedence and is already demanding enough.

    I used to feel a lot more pressure to write blog posts but you know what? Sometimes I really just don’t have anything to say. And then there are other times where I have a lot to say but putting it down on “paper” is daunting. You do what you can do. As has already been said, it’s meant to be FUN.

    If you ever need a guest poster, I volunteer as a blog tribute. πŸ˜‰

  8. I struggle with this every day so I know what you are going through. It’s so hard to find that elusive “balance” and I know for me comparing myself to others just makes it that much worse. I say do what you can do, and don’t worry about the rest. And I’d be happy to do a guest post too!

  9. jenereesa

    I very much understand the difficulty of balancing social media and LIFE. I’m sporadic on Twitter, relying more on Instagram because I’m more of a visual type of person than a read 140 characters type of person.

    I adore blogging and reading the blogs of others, but I think that’s why Scoot a Doot works so well for me – because there are six of us to carry the blog posts. Now the other five girls happen to be some of my closest friends so it really works well because we are on a very “you do this, I’ll do that” basis.

    But basically I (and we, if we are talking about the ladies I blog with) do what we can. We recognize that sometimes that blog post that was scheduled to go up is just NOT going to happen. Either someone else will jump in or we won’t post. And that’s okay. We’ve always said that we went into this intending to have FUN, first and foremost. We do what we can with what we’ve got and try not to pressure ourselves.

    If you need me for anything, you know my number!

  10. BethC

    I totally understand this. Between work, family, exercise and bills/chores/etc., I often just don’t have the head space for social media. I stick to just a few social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter – mostly as a consumer, and Feedly to follow a few blogs). I limit my content production to Facebook, as that is pretty much all I can keep up with. I admire that you are able to maintain your blog with good and frequent content, but I often wonder how you manage it! I think it would be cool if you had some guest bloggers, or even collaborators (aka frequent/regular guest posters). I am happy to volunteer to do a guest post, if I can come up with an interesting topic!

  11. ranchcookie

    I am currently questioning going to grad school or finding a full time job so I feel your pain! With my blog I always put school first, it’s our space and sometimes we just don’t have time and that is ok because it should be about you, just remember the reason you started your blog in the first place! I would totally be interested in doing a guest post πŸ™‚

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